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Comparing AWS EKS vs ECS: An In-Depth Overview

In modern application development, containerization has become an essential tool for managing and deploying applications. AWS offers two major container orchestration services – Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) – that help developers easily deploy, manage, and scale their containerized applications. Amazon EKS is a managed Kubernetes service that allows developers …

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Understanding AWS EventBridge: A Comprehensive Guide

Amazon EBS volumes (Elastic Block Store) is a high-performance, scalable block storage service from Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides persistent storage volumes for Amazon EC2 instances, crucial for running applications and storing data in the cloud. EBS ensures low-latency, high-throughput data transfer for demanding applications. Launched by AWS in 2008, EBS offers durable, reliable …

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What are Amazon EBS Volumes?

Amazon EBS volumes (Elastic Block Store) is a high-performance, scalable block storage service from Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides persistent storage volumes for Amazon EC2 instances, crucial for running applications and storing data in the cloud. EBS ensures low-latency, high-throughput data transfer for demanding applications. Launched by AWS in 2008, EBS offers durable, reliable …

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Updated pricing for Amazon EKS: Extended support explained

Earlier we talked about EKS at a high level in CloudAvocado article about EKS optimization. Here is real-life example: extended support for Amazon EKS. Among many other activities like monitoring cluster metrics, right-sizing nodes, and enabling autoscaling processes, surprisingly, Kubernetes version control is also important. Best practice: update Kubernetes on your EKS clusters to the …

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Spot Instances vs Reserved Instances: Which is Right for You?

Choosing the right cloud pricing model is a balancing act. While you strive for cost-effectiveness, ensuring smooth operation for your workloads remains paramount. Within the massive landscape of Amazon Web Services (AWS) options, two prominent players emerge: Spot Instances and Reserved Instances. Both offer significant cost advantages over on-demand pricing, but they cater to distinct …

Spot Instances vs Reserved Instances: Which is Right for You? Read More »

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The Complete Guide to Understanding AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP)

AWS EDP (Enterprise Discount Program) is a pricing program offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to help organizations save money on their cloud computing costs. It involves significant edp commitment and offers private pricing. It is designed for larger organizations with significant cloud usage, offering discounts based on the organization’s overall spend. The program is …

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Horizontal vs. Vertical Scaling: Key Differences and the Right Path for Your Business

In this article, we will discuss the importance of scaling in business growth and how it can help companies stay competitive in the market. We will also explore the key differences between horizontal and vertical scaling, and their respective benefits and drawbacks. Lastly, we will provide some tips on how businesses can effectively implement scaling …

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The Importance of Scheduling EC2 Instances on AWS: Beyond Cost to a Greener Future

EC2 scheduling is worth mentioning whenever we start talking about AWS cost optimization or carbon emissions. The reason is simple. Its not a secret that services like AWS’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), has transformed the way businesses operate and became widely used resource for more than 1 million of users. But, with these advancements comes a responsibility to …

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FinOps Maturity Model: tracking your cost optimization progress

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations are increasingly adopting FinOps practices to optimize their cloud costs and enhance financial operational efficiency. The FinOps Maturity Model provides a framework to assess an organization’s level of maturity in various FinOps capabilities, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and chart a course towards achieving their financial …

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Capabilities of FinOps: effective cloud cost management

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate, providing scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. However, managing cloud costs can be a complex endeavor without proper oversight and control. This is where FinOps (Financial Operations) comes into play. FinOps is a practice that combines financial management principles with cloud operations to optimize costs and drive value from …

Capabilities of FinOps: effective cloud cost management Read More »

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